Assessment of Personality Traits to Help Clear Self-Universality and Strengthen Empathy through Digital Psychogenic Board Games
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2016.56115, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,723  浏览: 2,774  科研立项经费支持
作者: 许于仁, 杨美娟, 郑伊雯, 黄一倚:国立嘉义大学,台湾 嘉义
关键词: 数字心因性桌游人格特质周哈里窗换位思考普同感Digital Psychogenic Board Game Personality Traits Johari Window Empathy Universality
摘要: 桌上游戏近几年在教育训练领域越来越盛行,通过桌游学习者更能与其他成员互动且在过程中达到心流效果与强化学习动机和学习趣味性。因此本研究依据人格特质与换位思考为基础开发一款以周哈里窗四个角度认识自我的数字心因性桌游,透过数字心因性桌游、自我认同量表以及换位思考量表帮助学习者厘清自我混淆以及强化换位思考的能力进行研究预试。预试结果显示此款数字心因性桌游有助于帮助学习者厘清自我混淆以及强化换位思考能力。
Abstract: Board games are getting more and more popular in the education sector. In the near future, through board games, learners will not only produce flow, but will also gain enhanced motivation and interest. Therefore, in our research, we developed a digital psychogenic board game, based on human characteristics and empathy, so that we can know ourselves through the four points of view of a Johari Window while playing. We try to help learners to understand self-confusion and to strengthen their ability of empathy through the digital psychogenic board game, using a self-iden- tification scale and empathy scale as our research pre-test. At the end of our research, we find that the consequence of the pre-test shows our digital psychogenic board game does work on helping learners to clarify self-confusion and to strengthen their ability of empathy.
文章引用:许于仁, 杨美娟, 郑伊雯, 黄一倚. 运用心因性桌游观察人格特质以建立普同感与换位思考之研究[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2016, 5(6): 814-824. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2016.56115


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