The Current Situation, Problems and Countermeasures of the New Media Promotion of Yangzhou Cultural Tourism Brand—Taking Daming Temple as an Example
DOI: 10.12677/JC.2016.42002, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,405  浏览: 5,967  科研立项经费支持
作者: 王志达, 毛 瑞:扬州大学,江苏 扬州
关键词: 文化旅游新媒体品牌推广大明寺Cultural Tourism New Media Brand Promotion Daming Temple
摘要: 2015年,文化旅游消费出现快速增长。随着“互联网+”上升为国家战略,以大众化、大数据化和国际化为特征,中国文化旅游步入一个前所未有的发展阶段,“两微一端”正在成为文化旅游传播的“强媒体”。本文分析了扬州大明寺的新媒体运营情况,并对如何提高“两微一端”的应用水平、加强官网建设、强化在旅游软件和旅游网上的宣传、发挥新媒体直播优势、突出内容特色并增加互动性、树立分众意识成为大明寺新媒体推广的重要举措等提出了自己的见解。
Abstract: In 2015, cultural tourism consumption attained great development. With the rise of the “Internet plus” as a national strategy and with features of popularity, big data and internationalization, China’s cultural tourism has entered an unprecedented stage of development, and Weibo, WeChat and apps are playing an irreplaceable role in the spread of cultural tourism. This paper analyzes the new media operation of Yangzhou Daming Temple, and gives some suggestions on how to improve the advertisement of new media in the application level, the construction of the official website, and the advertisement on tourism apps and websites, paying attention to the advantages of new media broadcast, highlighting the content features and increasing interactivity, and establishing the consciousness to help the promotion of the new media of Daming Temple.
文章引用:王志达, 毛瑞. 扬州文化旅游品牌新媒体推广的现状、问题及对策—以大明寺为例[J]. 新闻传播科学, 2016, 4(2): 11-18. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/JC.2016.42002


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