Heat Transfer Enhancement through Rayleigh-Benard Thermal Convection
DOI: 10.12677/SE.2016.65010, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,752  浏览: 8,319 
作者: 肖小康, 余同谱, 刘国华:安徽工业大学,能源与环境学院,安徽 马鞍山
关键词: 贝纳德对流湍流强化换热有源法无源法RB Convection Turbulence Heat Transfer Enhancement Active Methods Passive Methods
摘要: 近年来,流动传热在动力、核能、石油化工、航空航天等领域中的应用备受关注,其中Rayleigh-Benard对流成为对流热传输的研究热点,但如何提高其热传输效率是亟待解决的难题。本文针对国内外学者提出的RB对流强化换热技术进行综述,这些技术大致可分为有源强化和无源强化技术。有源强化技术包括加入扰动流体法、垂直旋转轴法、脉冲法;无源强化技术则包括粗糙表面法、分区法、横向限制湍流法。文中将对每种方法的原理、实验手段及其主要结论等进行介绍,并对其典型的工程应用及发展趋势做出展望。本研究对深入认识RB对流传热机理有重要意义,具有较为广泛的工业应用价值。
Abstract: Applications of flow and heat transfer in the power, nuclear power, petrochemical, aerospace and other areas receive great attention in recent years. Among which, Rayleigh-Benard (RB) convection heat transfer has become a hot topic, but how to improve the heat transfer efficiency is a critical issue to be solved. In this paper, the proposed techniques for heat transfer enhancement through RB convection are reviewed. These techniques are divided into active and passive approaches. Active technologies include adding fluid perturbation method, a vertical rotation axis or pulse heating method; passive technologies include using a roughened surface law or partitioned thermal convection methods, horizontal turbulence limit law. We describe the principle of each method, experimental methods and its main results. Typical engineering applications and future prospect are additional targeted for further development. This work is helpful to fully understand the mechanism of heat transfer in RB convections, having obvious significance for extensive industries.
文章引用:肖小康, 余同谱, 刘国华. Rayleigh-Benard热对流强化传热技术进展[J]. 可持续能源, 2016, 6(5): 91-105. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/SE.2016.65010


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