The Influence of Leadership’s Self-Esteem and Self-Efficacy on Their Subjective Well-Being
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2016.610138, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,702  浏览: 5,657 
作者: 唐梓轩, 潘孝富:西南大学文化与社会发展学院,重庆
关键词: 自尊自我效能感主观幸福感领导 Self-Esteem Self-Efficacy Subjective Well-Being Leadership
摘要: 本文采用问卷调查法,检验领导者的自尊和自我效能感对其主观幸福感的影响作用。本文通过对来自重庆市各县、市、区政府机关、公检法和事业行政单位的237名领导者进行调查,通过对数据的优势分析、层次回归分析和中介效应分析,得到以下结果:领导者主观幸福感的显著正向预测变量分别为自尊和自我效能感;而领导者的自我效能感显著的部分中介于其自尊和主观幸福感之间;而相较于自我效能感,自尊对于领导的主观幸福感有更为显著的作用。因此,提升领导者的自尊与自我效能感能促使其主观幸福感的提升。
Abstract: Questionnaire survey is used to examine the influence of leadership’s self-esteem and self-efficacy on their subjective well-being. This survey covers 237 leaders from government offices, public se-curity department, procurator organs and people’s courts of different administrative levels in Chongqing. Statistics collected are studied by multi-level regression analysis, mediating effect examination and advantage analysis. The result shows that leadership’s self-esteem and self-effi- cacy work as forward prediction variables of subjective well-being and that self-efficacy has a sig-nificant part of the mediating effect on leadership’s self-esteem and subjective well-being. Contri-bution of the role of self-esteem is significantly greater than the role of self-efficacy in the influence of leadership’s subjective well-being. Enhancement of leadership’s self-esteem and self-effi- cacy is helpful to promote their subjective well-being.
文章引用:唐梓轩, 潘孝富 (2016). 领导者的自尊和自我效能感对其主观幸福感的影响. 心理学进展, 6(10), 1083-1092. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2016.610138


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