Design and Implementation of Campus Express Application Program Based on Android Platform
DOI: 10.12677/SEA.2016.55033, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 3,688  浏览: 8,905  科研立项经费支持
作者: 罗 攀, 宋丽华, 张 静, 徐 东, 白 阳:北方工业大学计算机学院,北京
关键词: Android开发Hibernate技术JSON手机软件Android Development Hibernate JSON Mobile Phone Software
摘要: 快递上门业务给人们的生活带来极大便利,但部分学校禁止快递进入校园,这给校园内的师生收取快递造成了一些不便。本文通过综合使用Hibernate、JSON以及Android等开发技术开发出了一款“快递代取”手机应用软件,实现了在线群发消息、一对一及时沟通、互相代取快递等功能,很好地解决了校园内师生频繁出校收取快递的问题。在系统的服务器端使用分层结构结合Hibernate技术实现与数据库的交互是一次比较新颖的形式,这样的设计构思不仅能够使服务器端减少代码量、使程序的可读性提高,还大幅度减少了开发时人工使用SQL和JDBC处理数据的时间。同时本文所用到的Hibernate技术、JSON等技术也为其他软件开发学者提供了一个比较完备的软件开发框架。
Abstract: The business of sending express to houses brings great convenience to people’s life, but some schools prohibit the courier to the campus, which gives the teachers and students some inconve-nience. In this paper, through the use of JSON, Hibernate and some of the basis of the development of Android technology, we develop a mobile phone application software—“Collecting Express”. It realizes sending messages online, one-to-one timely communication, receiving express for each other and other functions. The software has well solved the problem that teachers and students can’t receive the express in school conveniently. Using both Layered Structure and Hibernate in the service side of the system is a new form. In this way, developers can not only reduce the amount of code and improve readability of the code, but also save the time to develop manual use of SQL and JDBC. In addition, the Hibernate technology, JSON and other technologies used in this paper also provide a more complete software development framework for other software developers.
文章引用:罗攀, 宋丽华, 张静, 徐东, 白阳. 基于Android平台的校园快递代取应用程序设计与实现[J]. 软件工程与应用, 2016, 5(5): 285-295. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/SEA.2016.55033


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