The Class Frame Time, Reading Listen the Bell—Time, Power and Identity in a Southern Village
DOI: 10.12677/MA.2016.43004, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,210  浏览: 5,767  科研立项经费支持
作者: 丁 璐, 李 鹏:广西科技大学社会科学学院,广西 柳州
关键词: 基督教时间权力认同Christian Time Power Identity
摘要: 时间作为研究主题,人类学主要关注时间是如何被社会文化所建构起来的。人们对不同时间的选择不仅能体现出这些时间上存在着不平等关系,同时也能发现这与经济扩张有着千丝万缕的关系。经堂村民在面对阳历、阴历、教历和地方时间的时候,人们基于不同的需要,建构自己的时间观,进而这些时间赋予村民、会长、神父不同的权力,同时也基于仪式举行时间上的不同,使得经堂村民的教徒身份更加凸显,逐渐增强了村民的身份认同,在本民族志的基础上进一步反思时间不平等的研究。
Abstract: Anthropology focuses on how time is constructed by social culture with the research subject of time. Different choices can not only reflect inequality relation about the time, but also can find this relationship associated with economic expansion. When villagers face the Gregorian calendar, the lunar calendar, and local time, on the different needs, villagers construct their own concept of time, and the time gives different power of villagers, president and priests. Different ceremony time makes up the villagers’ religious identity highlights, gradually enhances the identity of the villager. In a word, on the basis of the ethnography, we further reflect the study of inequality.
文章引用:丁璐, 李鹏. 何当日课分卯酉,静听摇铃读二时——一个华南村庄的时间、权力与认同[J]. 现代人类学, 2016, 4(3): 23-33. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/MA.2016.43004


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