Trends Analysis of International Sustainable Tourism Research and the Enlightenment to China
DOI: 10.12677/SD.2016.64032, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,036  浏览: 3,670  科研立项经费支持
作者: 郑 芳, 侯 迎, 苏贤保:宁夏大学资源环境学院,宁夏 银川
关键词: 可持续旅游国际研究态势分析中国Sustainable Tourism International Studies Trends Analysis China
摘要: 基于2008~2014年国际相关期刊与著作的可持续旅游研究成果,结合国外学者对该领域总结的经验,利用文献计量及对比分析法从旅游方式、研究内容、理论与方法进展等方面分析了国际可持续旅游研究态势。结果显示:研究的旅游方式多样化,对文化/遗产旅游及替代性旅游的研究逐渐增多,城市旅游方面关注较少,其它旅游方式仍属重点关注对象;研究主题较多,且出现了一些特别关注的主题,如旅游治理、碳主题(碳排放、碳中和、低碳等)、脆弱性及恢复力、公平公正等;理论与方法上实现了多学科融合,总体上定量化研究仍需加强。国内可持续旅游研究还需要提升,如关注替代性旅游方式较少,需今后扩展研究;主题内容不够细化,需从细处着手;实践层面需强化;研究理论与方法方面国际国内研究需相互借鉴。
Abstract: This paper reviews a content analysis of studies published in 2008-2014 in Journal of Sustainable Tourism and some other relative journals and books, and makes comparison of experts’ experience in this field. Forms of tourism, subject themes, and methodology are studied. The results are: forms of tourism are variant, and studies on cultural tourism/heritage tourism and alternative tourism are increasing, but urban tourism is still lack of focusing. Subject themes are of great variety and some new themes have emerged such as tourism governance, carbon studies, vulnerability and resilience and justice. Multidisciplinary integration is prominent in theory and methodology fields but it still needs to strengthen quantitative research. Domestic research should be improved in these fields, such as forms of tourism especially in alternative tourism; themes should be more detailed and sustainable tourism practice should be improved. Besides, theory and methodology should be learnt from each other.
文章引用:郑芳, 侯迎, 苏贤保. 近年来国际可持续旅游研究及对我国的启示[J]. 可持续发展, 2016, 6(4): 250-256. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/SD.2016.64032


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