The Establishment and Practice of the Integration Model of Ambulatory Chemotherapy in Gynecological Ward
DOI: 10.12677/NS.2016.54014, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,984  浏览: 4,385 
作者: 吴治敏*, 李 玲, 王 卉:第三军医大学西南医院妇产科,重庆
关键词: 妇科日间病房医护一体化化疗恶性肿瘤Gynecology Day Ward Medical Integration Chemotherapy Malignant Tumor
摘要: 目的:探讨在妇科病房日间化疗医护一体化模式的建立与实践,解决妇科肿瘤手术患者住院化疗难、治疗不及时等方面的问题。方法:确定日间化疗收治对象、收治流程;建立医护一体化管理新模式;对新模式的运作进行不断的优化、改进和创新,实现妇科病房日间化疗患者医护一体化管理新模式。结果:科内的日间病房在医护人员配置和床位的改建上可极大的缓解医护人力不足及床位少的情况。结论:妇科病房日间化疗患者医护一体化管理模式,方便妇科肿瘤化疗患者治疗,降低了化疗患者的住院费用,提高了患者及家属的满意度。
Abstract: Objective: To explore the establishment and practice of the integration model of ambulatory chemotherapy in gynecological ward, and to solve the problems in the treatment of gynecological cancer patients with chemotherapy. The treatment is not timely and so on. Methods: We determine the daytime chemotherapy treated object and treated process, establish a new medical integration management mode and make the operation of new mode continuous optimization, improvement and innovation to achieve the new integration model of ambulatory chemotherapy in gynecological ward. Results: Kone’s day ward in the health care personnel allocation and bed reconstruction can greatly ease the shortage of health care and the situation of fewer beds. Conclusion: The integration management mode of the gynecological ward during the day chemotherapy in patients with gynecological cancer chemotherapy patients reduces the cost of chemotherapy patients and improves the satisfaction of patients and their families.
文章引用:吴治敏, 李玲, 王卉. 妇科病房日间化疗医护一体化模式的建立与实践[J]. 护理学, 2016, 5(4): 71-74. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/NS.2016.54014


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