Research on the Mode of Symbiosis Financing of Supply Chain in China’s Shipping Enterprises
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2016.54078, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,843  浏览: 4,787 
作者: 丁 霞, 袁 象:上海海事大学经济管理学院,上海
关键词: 共生融资供应链建议Symbiosis Financing Supply Chain Suggestion
摘要: 当前航运业处于行业发展周期的低谷,中小航运企业存在融资难问题,大型航运企业存在如何转型发展度过难关问题。文章以共生理论为基础,分析了航运企业通过建立共生联盟进行供应链共生融资的可行性,并针对其中可能存在的问题,提出了有针对性的建议。
Abstract: Shipping industry is now experiencing recession in the development cycle, small to medium scale shipping companies find it hard to finance in the market and large scale shipping companies should also consider how to make it through by reconstructing during development. The article is based on symbiosis theory and analyzes the feasibility of shipping companies establishing mutual survival alliance to act supply chain finance. The article further proposes specific suggestions on problems that may occur during the whole process.
文章引用:丁霞, 袁象. 我国航运企业供应链共生融资模式探析[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2016, 5(4): 562-566. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2016.54078