Study on the Mathematical Problems of Generalized Uncertainty Principles
DOI: 10.12677/AAM.2016.53064, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,693  浏览: 8,838  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 徐冠雷, 周立佳, 邵利民, 刘永禄:海军大连舰艇学院军事海洋系,辽宁 大连;王孝通, 徐晓刚:海军大连舰艇学院航海系,辽宁 大连
关键词: 广义测不准原理稀疏表示时频分析分辨率分析范数矩阵分解Generalized Uncertainty Principle Sparse Representation Time-Frequency Analysis Resolution Analysis Norm Entropy Matrix Factorization
摘要: 测不准原理(Uncertainty Principle,又称不确定原理)是数学、信息学与信号处理、物理学等交叉学科中的基本法则,具有重要的理论意义和价值。本文从数学角度出发,针对近年来受到广泛关注和研究的广义不确定原理(即时频分析广义测不准原理和信号稀疏表示广义测不准原理两大方面),给出了广义不确定原理研究中所涉及的主要数学问题,包括传统数学不等式在广义域内的推导证明、信号不同范数下的优化求解、矩阵优化分解等问题,既包括特定广义域内的推导证明,又包括不同变换基函数或框架下的数学优化,对于广义测不准原理中的数学问题进行了总结,并给出了其存在的问题,讨论了下一步可能的研究思路和方向。
Abstract: The uncertainty principle is the elementary rule in the crossed fields of mathematics, information and physics and so on, which plays an important role in scientific sense and engineering value. This paper discussed the mathematical problems in the research of widely studied generalized uncertainty principles (i.e., the generalized uncertainty principles on time-frequency analysis and the generalized uncertainty principles on sparse representation), including the extension of the traditional inequalities to the generalized domains, the optimization of various p-norms, the op-timal matrix factorization and so on. The review of these mathematical problems is the focus in this paper, and the disadvantages and the future work of these mathematical problems are discussed as well.
文章引用:徐冠雷, 王孝通, 周立佳, 邵利民, 刘永禄, 徐晓刚. 广义测不准原理中的数学问题研究[J]. 应用数学进展, 2016, 5(3): 536-559. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AAM.2016.53064


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