The Review on the Price Variation Mechanism ofHeterogeneity-Network Products
DOI: 10.12677/sg.2011.11008, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,704  浏览: 13,583 
作者: 郑文*:东北大学秦皇岛分校管理系,秦皇岛;郑时:大连民族学院经管分院,大连
关键词: 市场环境异质网络产品价格变动价格变动机理
Market Environment; Heterogeneity-Network Products; Price Variation; Price Variation Mechanism
摘要: 对于异质市场网络产品价格生成与变动机理的研究是对传统价格理论的完善,同时提供了新的解释价格变动可能影响因素的思路,对于消费者福利的改进、市场环境的完善和政策条件的设计有实践应用价值。
Abstract: The research on the price and price variation mechanism of heterogeneity-network products is the implement of traditional price theory. It also gives a new explanation on possible impact elements of price variation. It has the practical value on improvement of the consumers’ welfare, the perfection of the market environment and the planning of the political conditions.
文章引用:郑文, 郑时. 异质网络产品的价格变动机理研究综述[J]. 智能电网, 2011, 1(1): 38-41. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/sg.2011.11008


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