Centennial Review of General Relativity
DOI: 10.12677/MP.2016.64011, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 2,617  浏览: 5,648 
作者: 王令隽*:美国田纳西大学查塔努加分校物理系,美国 查塔努加
关键词: 广义相对论宇宙大爆炸黑洞引力波General Relativity Big Bang Black Hole Gravitational Wave
摘要: 本文系统地分析了广义相对论的理论架构,主要预言,实验检验及其对物理科学其他分支的影响,指出爱因斯坦引力场方程除了(0,0)分量能够在线性场近似下得到牛顿的万有引力定律,张量方程的所有其他分量或者导致无穷大发散,或者与光速极限原理相悖,或者毫无物理意义。文章详细地分析了广义相对论的三个经典实验检验,指出所有三个检验都站不住脚。同时,本文也分析了最近宣布证实了引力波和黑洞的两个实验(BICEP2和LIGO实验)都经不起分析,根本不能为广义相对论提供证据。文章指出,由于相对性原理要求任何理论都必须具有平动和转动相对性,必须存在一个施瓦兹查尔德度规和科尔度规之间的转动变换。计算表明,这一变换和相对论的光速极限原理相悖,因而广义相对论违背相对性原理。本文还详尽地讨论了广义相对论的一个重要概念:时空弯曲造成引力,或者引力使时空弯曲。文章指出短程线描述的是某一物体在引力场中的运动轨迹。轨迹的弯曲不是时空的弯曲。另一方面,引力场方程描述的是等位面的形状。等位面的弯曲不是时空的弯曲。时空弯曲的量度是黎曼曲率R。计算表明,爱因斯坦场方程的两个解析解—施瓦兹查尔德解和科尔解的黎曼曲率和里奇张量都是零,所以时空是平坦的。所谓引力使时空弯曲和时空弯曲产生引力的概念都是错的。本文得出结论说,牛顿的经典引力理论是建立在开普勒实验定律所包含的无数实验观测结果之上的,经过了几百年科学实验和工程实践的检验,并且继续在科学和工程中接受广泛的检验,从来没有一个例子证明牛顿万有引力定律的错误。相反,爱因斯坦的广义相对论从基本假设,理论框架,实验检验和实际应用都存在根本性的不自洽或违背基本的物理事实。因此,说牛顿引力理论只是近似正确,广义相对论是比牛顿万有引力定律更精确的引力理论,是不正确的。至于从广义相对论演变而来的黑洞理论和大爆炸宇宙学,更是违背科学逻辑的星相学理论和数学创造论。作者坚决反对将一些违背科学的观念,诸如将多重宇宙,因果倒转,时空穿越,高维空间,宇宙创生,等等一系列星相学和创造论概念灌输给年轻的学子,主张理论物理必须在新的世纪科学复兴,从神学和星相学思维回归科学经典。
Abstract: This article gives a systematic review of the theoretical framework, major predictions, experimental evidences of general relativity and its implications to other branches of science. It has been pointed out that, other than the (0,0) component of Einstein’s tensor field equation which reduces to the Newtonian law of gravitation under linear approximation, all other components either lead to divergence, or are in conflict with the fundamental postulation of relativity that no speed should exceed the speed of light, or defies physical interpretation. The review gives a detailed analysis of the three classical evidences of general relativity and has shown that none of these experimental evidences can stand scrutiny. The article also analyzed the two recent experiments (BICEP2 and LIGO) that claimed to have found experimental evidences of gravitational wave and black hole, and demonstrated their fallacies. It has been pointed out that the principle of relativity demands that any viable theory must have translational as well as rotational relativity, which requires general relativity to have a rotational transformation that can transform the Schwarzschild metric into the Kerr metric and vice versa. Calculations show that a general rotational transformation is in conflict with one of the fundamental postulations of relativity—no speed should exceed the speed of light, i.e., general relativity violates the principle of relativity. The article also gives a thorough analysis of one of the most important concept of general relativity—gravity comes from the curvature of space time, and gravity warps the space time. It has been pointed out that the curving of a geodesic is merely the bending of the trajectory of an object moving in gravitational field, which is not the curving of the space time itself. Moreover, the field equation describes the shape of equipotential, the curving of which is not the curving of space time either. The measure of curvature of space time is the Riemann curvature scalar R. Calculations show that the Riemann curvature and Ricii tensor of both the Schwarzschild metric and the Kerr metric—the only two known analytical solutions to Einstein’s field equation, vanish, which means that the space time is flat. The concept that gravity comes from the curvature of space time and gravity warps the space time is invalid. The review concludes that the Newtonian law of gravity is built upon the Keplers laws that represent enormous results of observational astronomy and has stood hundreds of years’ test by scientific research and engineering practice. It is still been checked every day by science and engineering, and has never failed the test. On the other hand, Einstein’s general relativity has a multitude of unsolvable inconsistencies in its fundamental postulations, theoretical framework, experimental tests, and it is completely powerless in practical applications. It is therefore incorrect to say that the Newtonian law of gravitation is only an approximation of the more accurate general relativity. As to the black home and the Big Bang cosmology derived and developed from general relativity, these are astrological theories that violate scientific logic. The author is strongly against brain washing the younger generations with the astrological and theological concepts such as multiverse, reverse of causality, time travel, high dimension, creation of the universe and so on. Physical science needs nothing less than a renaissance in the new century, returning to classical science from astrological paradigm.
文章引用:王令隽. 广义相对论百年终评[J]. 现代物理, 2016, 6(4): 99-123. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/MP.2016.64011


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