Reform and Development of Laboratory Management System in Universities
DOI: 10.12677/AE.2016.64025, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,144  浏览: 7,311  科研立项经费支持
作者: 王园园*, 张 伟:曲阜师范大学教师教育学院(教育科学学院),山东 曲阜
关键词: 实验室管理体制改革发展Laboratory Management System Reform Development
摘要: 高校实验室管理体制经历了从三级管理模式到二级管理模式的转换,并正在努力整合实验室,向一级管理模式发展。各高校针对目前实验室体系中存在的弊端,从转变观念,加强高校实验技术队伍建设;加大经费投入等5个角度着手,改革和创新实验室管理体制。曲师大教师教育实训中心根据自身情况,建立了中心隶属于实验与设备管理处,挂靠在教师教育学院,主任责任制,并面向全校师生的管理模式,取得了良好的效果和声誉。
Abstract: The laboratory management system in universities had completed the transform from the third class management to the second class, and the management system is making great efforts to de-velop the first class. Currently, because of some drawbacks of the present laboratory system, universities take some measures to improve the development and reform of the laboratory system mainly including transforming the idea, strengthening the construction of the experimental technical team in colleges and universities, and increasing the lab financial input etc. 5 parts. More- over, Qufu Normal University Teacher education training center develops the lab management system based on their self-conditions, and receives excellent results.
文章引用:王园园, 张伟. 高校实验室管理体制的改革与发展[J]. 教育进展, 2016, 6(4): 162-166. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AE.2016.64025


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