Problems and Its Countermeasure for Protection of Water Resource in the Yangtze
DOI: 10.12677/SD.2016.63018, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,132  浏览: 5,822 
作者: 陈国阶:中国科学院成都山地灾害与环境研究所,四川 成都
关键词: 长江水资源水污染利用与保护评估The Yangtze River Water Resource Water Pollution Utilization and Protection Evaluation
摘要: 长江水资源丰富,但人均占有水资源量并不具有优势。水资源正承受着利用、消耗和纳污等巨大压力。几十年来对水资源利用与保护虽取得显著成绩,但也出现若干重大偏差。当前,长江流域面临着缺水、水污染等严峻挑战。为着长江经济带发展能与水资源保护协调,应该从流域全局出发,对各地区、各部门以往规划和拟建的水利工程进行评估或再规划、再论证。强调流域、全局、系统、长远的利益高于地区、部门局部利益,做好流域、综合规划与区域、部门规划的对接,强化管理;建议制定《长江法》,为长江水资源利用与保护提供法律保障。
Abstract: Yangtze River takes possession of abundant water resource in its total quantity, but it doesn’t gain advantage in per capital. Now the river is enduring enormous pressures from water utilized, con-sumed and polluted. Although we gained considerable achievement in water utilization and pro-tection, it remained several large deviations in past decades. At present Yangtze River is facing se-rious challenges of shortage of water and water pollution. For striving for the coordination of both the development of Yangtze economic zone and water resource protection, we must firstly keep sober-minded to the situation of Yangtze water resource; then it would be necessary for us to take re-evaluation, re-planning and re-demonstration against all kinds of previous planning and pro- jects drawn up by local governments or departments, according to whole valley, comprehensive and overall view. We have to emphasize that overall, valley, systemic and far-sight benefits are higher and more important than the benefits of region, department and near-sight, meanwhile to make unity between the former and the latter. Finally we suggest drawing up a Yangtze low.
文章引用:陈国阶. 长江水资源保护面临的问题与对策[J]. 可持续发展, 2016, 6(3): 138-145. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/SD.2016.63018


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