Try to Explore the Conjunction Point between the Family Constellation and Traditional Culture
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2016.66093, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,965  浏览: 3,916  科研立项经费支持
作者: 唐 静:西南交通大学,心理研究与咨询中心,四川 成都
关键词: 家庭系统排列传统文化契合点本土心理学The Family Constellation Traditional Culture The Conjunction Point Indigenous Psychology
摘要: 为继承、发扬中国传统文化,通过学习、借鉴海灵格创立的家庭系统排列,从三个方面探讨家庭系统排列与我国传统文化的契合点:“爱的序位”与传统文化的“明伦、孝悌”思想相契合;“与道同行”与传统文化“道法自然”思想相契合;“在爱中升华”与传统文化“至诚、仁爱”的思想相契合。以期尝试创建一条以中国传统文化为出发和归依,以西方文化为桥梁和手段的心理健康和谐之路,实现我国心理学的本土性、民族性、文化性。
Abstract: With the purpose of inheriting and carrying forward Chinese traditional culture, through learning from the family constellation founded by Hellinger, we try to explore the conjunction points be-tween the family constellation and traditional culture from three aspects: “Order of Love” corres-ponding to the Minglun thought and filial piety and fraternity thought of the traditional culture, “With the Word” corresponding to the nature of the Tao thought of the traditional culture, “Subli-mation in Love” corresponding to the thought of “Love, Sincere” of the traditional culture. The purpose is to create a mentally healthy and harmonious road with the Chinese traditional culture as a start and refuge, the western culture as a bridge and means, to realize the aborinigality, na-tionality and cultural property of psychology in China.
文章引用:唐静 (2016). 试探家庭系统排列与传统文化的契合点. 心理学进展, 6(6), 720-725. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2016.66093


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