“Di Shu Ordered” Problem of the Mourning Apparel System in the Pre-Qin Period
DOI: 10.12677/CnC.2016.42003, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,848  浏览: 4,293 
作者: 张 钧:青岛大学文学院,山东 青岛
关键词: 丧服制度嫡庶有序宗法社会Mourning Apparel System Di Shu Ordered Patriarchal Society
摘要: 丧服制度是中国古代丧礼的重要组成部分。先秦时期的丧服制度严格遵循宗法制的“嫡庶有序”原则,与宗法制互为表里,共同维护统治者的统治。先秦丧服制度中涉及的嫡庶等级差异主要表现为嫡尊庶卑,并具体的体现在丧礼服饰的形制以及居丧期限的差别中,通过这两方面严密的区分来确保丧服制度有序的施行,从而起到巩固和维护宗法社会秩序的作用。
Abstract: The mourning apparel system is an important part of Chinese ancient funeral. The mourning ap-parel system in the pre-Qin period strictly follows the "Di Shu ordered" principle of patriarchal clan system, and interacts with patriarchal clan system, jointly safeguarding the rulers’ rule. The mourning apparel system in pre-Qin times relates to the level differences between Di and Shu mainly for Di honorable and Shu humble, and is concretely reflected in the funeral clothing shape and mourning period difference, through the strict distinction to ensure orderly implementation of mourning apparel system, so as to consolidate and maintain the role of patriarchal social order.
文章引用:张钧. 先秦丧服制度中的嫡庶有序问题初探[J]. 国学, 2016, 4(2): 21-26. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/CnC.2016.42003