The Similarity of Social Behavior between Primary School Children and Their Friends: Differences in the Behavior Type
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2016.66088, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,936  浏览: 4,895  科研立项经费支持
作者: 梅 晶, 贾 尧, 李庆功:浙江师范大学心理系,浙江 金华
关键词: 相似性亲社会行为攻击行为社会化小学儿童Similarity Prosocial Behavior Aggressive Behavior Socialization Primary School Children
摘要: 实验以同伴提名的方式测量360名小学儿童与友伴的社会行为,并分别采用相关分析和回归分析的方法考察了小学儿童与友伴在社会行为上的相似性。结果发现:1) 在控制了性别的影响之后,小学儿童与友伴在亲社会行为上存在显著的正相关,而在攻击行为上相关不显著;2) 在控制了性别的影响之后,友伴亲社会行为能预测小学儿童的亲社会行为,而友伴攻击行为对小学儿童攻击行为的预测不显著,且上述预测作用在小学阶段不存在年龄间的差异。这些结果说明小学儿童与友伴在社会行为上的相似性受社会行为类型的调节,在亲社会行为上存在相似性,而在攻击行为上相似性不明显。
Abstract: The current study investigated the similarity of social behavior between primary school children and their friends. A total of 360 primary school children were administered measurement of social behavior by peer nomination. The results of correlation analysis and regression analysis showed that 1) Primary school children’s pro-social behaviors were significantly positive correlated with their friends’ pro-social behaviors after controlled the variable of gender, but their aggressive be-havior was not significantly correlated with their friends. 2) The subsequent results of regression analysis respectively control the variable of gender and age also fully proves this point. The results indicated that the similarity of social behavior between primary school children and their friends were moderated by the type of social behavior.
文章引用:梅晶, 贾尧, 李庆功 (2016). 小学儿童与友伴在社会行为上的相似性:行为类型的差异. 心理学进展, 6(6), 675-682. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2016.66088


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