Research on the Design of Micro Teaching Based on SWOT Analysis in Shaanxi Province
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2016.52041, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,505  浏览: 6,191 
作者: 梁洪松, 刘双双*, 徐慧峰:西北农林科技大学经济管理学院,陕西 杨凌
关键词: 微课SWOT分析高校联盟评价体系陕西省Micro Course SWOT Analysis University Alliance Evaluation System Shaanxi Province
摘要: 微课作为一种表现微型课堂教学形式的在线式网络教学模式,近年来越演越热。陕西省作为一个教育大省在教育方面仍然存在教育资源分布不均衡,利用率不高等问题。本文旨在促进陕西省高等教育在微课教学新形势下的又一大变革。文章论述了微课的起源、国内外发展趋势,运用SWOT分析法分析了微课这种网络教学形式的特点。针对陕西省地理位置偏远、少数民族文化众多、自然资源丰富和独特等教育特点,提出了针对陕西省高等教育的发展方案和相应的评价体系,并展望了微课在高校联盟中的发展前景。
Abstract: As a kind of micro online teaching mode, the micro teaching is becoming more and more popular in recent years. As a big province, Shaanxi still has problems in education, such as, the distribution of educational resources is not balanced, the utilization rate is not high and so on. This paper aims to promote the reform of higher education in Shaanxi province under the new situation of Micro Teaching. This paper discusses the origin and development trend of the micro course, and analyzes the characteristics of the online teaching mode by using the SWOT analysis method. According to the characteristics of Shaanxi Province Education which is located in the remote areas and who has many minority cultures, rich and unique natural resources. This paper puts forward the de-velopment plan and the corresponding evaluation system and the prospect of the development of micro teaching in university is discussed.
文章引用:梁洪松, 刘双双, 徐慧峰. 基于SWOT分析的陕西高校微课模式设计研究[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2016, 5(2): 286-293. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2016.52041


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