A Research on Improved Table-Based Model-Driven Mapping Strategies
DOI: 10.12677/SEA.2016.52017, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,846  浏览: 5,755  科研立项经费支持
作者: 韩 昱:山西省高速公路收费管理结算中心,山西 太原;吕进来:太原理工大学计算机科学与技术学院,山西 太原
关键词: XML Schema模型驱动数据交换基于表的映射XML Schema Model-Driven Data Exchange Table-Based Mapping
摘要: 为解决数据交换过程中,数据从数据库到XML的映射问题,对目前广泛使用的模型驱动映射方法进行了分析研究。对基于表的模型驱动映射方法进行改进,提出结合XML Schema的基于表的模型驱动映射方法,并制定了映射规则。这种改进的映射方法很好地保留了关系数据库表的结构特性和约束条件。还对映射过程中因参照关系而需有序插入数据的现象,提出了表插入优先计算方法。
Abstract: To solve the problem of mapping database to XML during data exchange process, the currently widely used model-driven mapping method has been analyzed and studied. The table-based model-driven mapping method has been improved, and a combination of this method with XML Schema is proposed. And mapping rules have been developed. This improved mapping method can preserve the structural characteristics of relational database tables and constraints better than others. On the other hand, to solve the data inserting sequence problem caused by reference between data in different tables during mapping process, a table data inserting priority calculating algorithm has been proposed.
文章引用:韩昱, 吕进来. 一种改进的基于表的模型驱动映射策略研究[J]. 软件工程与应用, 2016, 5(2): 154-163. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/SEA.2016.52017


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