Research on the Application of the Pilot Job-Hopping Default Payments
DOI: 10.12677/OJLS.2016.42004, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,038  浏览: 7,201  科研立项经费支持
作者: 周凌霄, 万 杨, 黄金婉, 何冬梅:中国民航大学法学院,天津
关键词: 飞行员跳槽违约金服务期Pilot Job-Hopping Default Payments Service Period
摘要: 飞行员跳槽引发的“天价”违约金频频引起人们对违约金适用的讨论。针对此问题,对我国劳动合同违约金的内涵、性质以及相关法律规定等理论进行研究,结合飞行员的特殊法律地位,并结合相关的案例对我国司法实践中飞行员跳槽违约金适用的现状问题进行分析。从分析中可得当前我国法律规定在违约金适用范围、服务期限以及违约金数额方面所存在的不足,就飞行员跳槽中所违约金适用的待完善之处提出建议,以期完善我国飞行员跳槽违约金的适用。
Abstract: The large amount of default payments caused by pilot job-hopping induces frequent discussion. To solve this problem, this paper studies the theory of labor contract default payments of the conno-tation, nature and the relevant legal provisions, with the pilot’s special legal status and the relevant case which is used to analyze the status quo of the default payments’ application. From the analysis, we can get the problems in the scope of default payments’ application, the service period and the amount of the default payments. And then, suggestions are put forward on deficiencies for improving the application of the pilot job-hopping default payments.
文章引用:周凌霄, 万杨, 黄金婉, 何冬梅. 飞行员跳槽违约金适用的研究[J]. 法学, 2016, 4(2): 30-34. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/OJLS.2016.42004


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