Independent Development of Identity: Discourage and Encourage Factors
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2016.64047, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,323  浏览: 7,262 
作者: 李秋生:华东师范大学心理与认知科学学院,上海
关键词: 同一性发展自主性自我决定心理控制社会支持Identity Development Autonomy Self-Determination Mental Control Social Support
摘要: 同一性是一个不断发展变化的概念,反映了研究者对其内涵和发展过程认识的加深。同一性发展受到生理、心理、社会等内容的交互影响,许多因素常常阻碍或者促进同一性发展。根据个体是否进行了积极主动的探索,区分出达成和早闭这两种具有不同表现的状态。同一性发展也受到个体内部动机的影响,同一性的成功经验能够促进同一性积极发展。父母和同伴既可以作为发展榜样和支持力量,也可能成为同一性发展的阻碍因素。在一些不鼓励过多探索的社会环境中,同一性探索甚至可能引发个体巨大的矛盾与冲突。对未来持有不同态度的个体,表现出差异显著的同一性发展。同一性自主发展受到阻碍,可能引发严重的问题行为和发展危机。
Abstract: Identity is a developing and changing concept, reflecting researchers’ deepening understanding of its connotation and development process. The development of identity is influenced by the inte-raction of physiology, psychology and society; many factors often hinder or promote the develop-ment of the identity. According to whether the individual has a positive exploration or not, the status of achievement and the status of for closure are distinguished. Identity development is also influenced by the internal motivation of individuals, successful experience can promote the positive development of identity. Parents and peers can work as role models and supportive forces, and also may be a hindrance of identity development. Identity exploration may not be recognized or even lead to individual conflict in some social environment. Individuals who hold different attitudes towards the future show different development processes. If independent development of identity is hindered, it may lead to maladaptive behavior and the developmental crisis.
文章引用:李秋生 (2016). 同一性自主发展:阻碍与促进因素. 心理学进展, 6(4), 359-366. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2016.64047


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