Investigation on the Current Situation of College Student Cadre’s Frustration Tolerance
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2016.63045, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,206  浏览: 4,043 
作者: 罗 姝:重庆师范大学,重庆
关键词: 大学生干部耐挫折能力College Student Cadre Frustration Tolerance
摘要: 目的:1) 分析大学生干部耐挫折能力的现状。2) 分析大学生干部耐挫折能力在性别、生源地、年级、是否独生子女、是否学生干部等方面的差异。3) 了解大学生干部耐挫折能力的特点。方法:用自编《大学生耐挫折能力问卷》对大学生干部及非干部大学生进行测试。结果:1) 大学生干部耐挫折能力普遍较高。2) 总体上大学生干部中男生的耐挫折能力略高于女生,但并没有达到显著水平。3) 来自于城市的大学生干部的耐挫折能力稍高于来自于农村的大学生干部,但没有达到显著水平。4) 不同年级的大学生干部的耐挫折能力存在显著差异。5) 大学生干部中,独生子女的耐挫折能力显著高于非独生子女6) 大学生干部的耐挫折能力显著高于非干部大学生。
Abstract: 0bjective: 1) To analyse the current situation of college student cadre’s frustration tolerance. 2) To analyse the difference between boys and girls, students from city and village, different grades, whether the only child or not and whether a student cadre or not on frustration tolerance. 3) To find out the characteristics of college student cadre’s frustration tolerance. Method: Use “the College Students’ Frustration Tolerance Scale” to test college student cadres and un-cadre college students. Results: 1) The frustration tolerance of college student cadres is in high level. 2) Boy student cadres’ frustration tolerance is marginally higher than that of girl student cadres on the whole, but not significantly. 3) The frustration tolerance of the college student cadres from city is marginally higher than those from village, but not significantly either. 4) The college student cadre’s frustration tolerance is significantly different between grades. 5) Among the college student cadres, the only-child’s frustration tolerance is significantly higher than non-only child. 6) The college student cadre’s frustration tolerance is significantly higher than the un-cadre college student’s.
文章引用:罗姝 (2016). 大学生干部耐挫折能力的现状调查. 心理学进展, 6(3), 344-351. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2016.63045


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