Review of Weathering Progress and Oil Character Changes of Oil Spill in Ice Covered Water
DOI: 10.12677/AMS.2016.31001, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,922  浏览: 4,717 
作者: 宋梦然, 黄 焱:天津大学建筑工程学院,天津 ;关 湃:中海石油(中国)有限公司天津分公司,天津
关键词: 冰区溢油风化过程溢油性质Oil Spill in Ice Zone Weathering Progress Oil Property
摘要: 随着海洋石油勘探开发技术不断发展,海上钻探项目越来越多,增加了溢油事故发生的可能性,尤其是海上复杂的环境条件使溢油回收更加困难,导致海洋生物和自然资源的极大灾害。发生在冰覆盖海域溢油事件的应急响应处置,要综合考虑经济效益和应急能力问题,包括溢油风化和移动、应对和清除方法、清除设备有效性、海岸保护活动、法律约束等问题。本文主要针对冰区溢油的风化特性进行研究。
Abstract: With the continuous development of offshore oil exploration technology, a growing number of offshore drilling projects increase the possibility of oil spill accidents. Especially, the complex en-vironmental conditions in the sea make it more difficult to oil spill recovery and lead great disaster to marine species and natural resources. When oil spill occurs in freezing environment, it ought to consider the economic benefit and emergency response ability, which include oil spill weathering and transporting, response and cleanup methods, effectiveness of removing equipment, coastal protection activities, legal constraints and other issues. In this paper, the weathering characteristics and oil characters of oil spill in cold water were studied.
文章引用:宋梦然, 关湃, 黄焱. 冰区溢油风化过程及性质变化综述[J]. 海洋科学前沿, 2016, 3(1): 1-5. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AMS.2016.31001


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