Positive Effects and Influence Factors of Retirement Planning
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2016.63039, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 2,493  浏览: 8,860 
作者: 刘泓利, 方远华, 余 林:西南大学心理学部,重庆
关键词: 退休规划影响因素积极影响Retirement Planning Influencing Factor Positive Effect
摘要: 退休规划可以缓解退休人口增加给公共资源带来的压力,同时对退休职工也具有积极的作用,但其本身并未引起足够的重视。因此本文对退休规划的积极作用以及影响因素进行了分析和总结,以期引起政策制定者以及退休职工的重视,以帮助退休职工进行退休规划实践。研究发现,退休规划对生活满意度、心理健康、退休自信心和退休适应具有积极的作用,另外,退休规划的影响因素主要有:人口统计学变量中的年龄、性别、家庭成员、经济状况、受教育程度,心理变量中的控制点、未来时间洞察力、退休自信心、退休态度、退休期望,以及退休金保障制度、是否自愿退休。
Abstract: Retirement planning can alleviate the pressure of the public resources which is result of the growth of retired population, and has positive effects on retired workers, but it doesn’t cause enough attention. Therefore, in order to appeal the attention of policymakers and retired workers to help retired workers make retirement plans, this article analyzed and summarized on the positive effects and influence factors of retirement planning. The results showed that, retirement planning had positive effects on life satisfaction, mental health, retirement confidence, retirement adaptation. We also found that the main influence factors of retirement planning included: age, gender, family member, financial situation, education in demographic variable; control point, future time perspective, retirement confidence, attitude towards retirement, retired expectations in psychological variable; and the pension security system, whether voluntary retirement.
文章引用:刘泓利, 方远华, 余林 (2016). 退休规划的积极影响及影响因素. 心理学进展, 6(3), 299-304. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2016.63039


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