The Research on the Elderly Care Needs Assessment System
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2016.51022, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,788  浏览: 4,628 
作者: 王锦涛*:西南财经大学保险学院,劳动与社会保障专业,四川 成都
关键词: 养老机构养老服务需求评估Elderly Care Facilities Elderly Care Service Assessment on Needs
摘要: 随着当前社会老龄化和高龄化现象的日益严重,老年人特别是失能老人对社会养老服务的需求日益增强,与此相伴随的是建立和完善科学化、规范化、人性化的养老服务评估评估体系;提高我国养老服务质量、发展社会养老福利事业的迫切需求。与发达国家相比,我国在养老服务评估制度建设起步较晚,缺乏经验。本文以中央、地方政府和相关部门出台的文件和地方实际操作为基点,围绕当前社会养老现状,引述国外发达国家及地区的先进经验,分析我国养老服务评估制度的定位和构建,对于目前体系存在的不足提出一些对策和思路。
Abstract: With the aging population and the extension of people’s life in current social situation, elderly people especially the disabled elders require more on social elderly care. Therefore, it is urgently to set up a standardized, scientific and humanized elderly care needs assessment system to make impersonal and equitable assessments for elderly people with care service needs, so as to promote the service quality of elderly care and develop the elderly care undertakings in our country. Our country, compared with developed countries, has a late start on carrying out assessment on the needs of elderly care, so there is even some blankness in some related aspects. This article concentrates on current social elderly care situation and the police of the governments, and also combines theories with practices, on the basis of introducing experience from developed countries and regions, to analyze the necessity and feasibility of elderly care needs assessment system. The article researches and summarizes the orientation and functions of the system, and meanwhile, brings forward some countermeasures and thoughts towards future development.
文章引用:王锦涛. 机构养老服务需求评估制度研究[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2016, 5(1): 151-158.