A Review of Cognitive Mechanisms of Visual Symmetry Perception
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2016.63028, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,313  浏览: 12,284 
作者: 李 健, 王权红:西南大学心理学部,重庆
关键词: 对称性加工知觉组织视觉加工认知模型Symmetry Processing Perceptual Organization Visual Cognition Cognitive Models
摘要: 人类视觉系统对于处理视觉输入刺激的两侧对称性十分敏感,许多研究者对对称性视知觉进行了广泛而深入的研究。从对称性知觉在视觉认知过程中的作用、对称性知觉的认知神经机制以及与之相关的认知模型等方面,文章总结近年来关于对称性知觉的实证和理论研究工作。结果显示,对称性知觉是一个包括通过多个滤波器进行预处理后,在高级视觉加工脑区进行信息整合,并在多个层面上与其他认知加工成分不断交互的开放性的视觉认知过程。
Abstract: Human visual system is sensitive to the bilateral symmetry of the visual stimulus; many research-ers have done magnificent works on it. These researches include the attributes of symmetry per-ception, modulating factors in symmetry perception, the role of symmetry in perceptual organiza-tion, and its neural underpinnings. The purpose of the article is to outline and evaluate empirical and theoretical studies about human symmetry perception. This article mainly focuses on the role of symmetry perception in visual cognitive process and the cognitive model of symmetry perception. The result shows that symmetry detection is a versatile visual process that interacts with other cognitive processes, which include a preprocessing stage involving spatial filters followed by information integration across the visual field in higher-tier cortical areas.
文章引用:李健, 王权红 (2016). 对称性视知觉的认知机制研究综述. 心理学进展, 6(3), 221-229. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2016.63028


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