Effects of Water Level on Submerged Macrophytes in Eutrophic Water: Research Progress
DOI: 10.12677/OJFR.2016.31001, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,324  浏览: 11,883  科研立项经费支持
作者: 魏 华*, 郝汉舟, 钟学斌:湖北科技学院资源环境科学与工程学院,长江中游水土资源研究中心,湖北 咸宁
关键词: 富营养化水体水位沉水植物Eutrophic Water Water Level Submerged Macrophytes
摘要: 水体富营养化所带来的连锁效应导致了沉水植物的大规模衰退和植被群落的逆行演替,由于沉水植物对淡水湖泊的生态系统具有构建作用,沉水植物的消亡将直接加剧水体环境的恶化,产生严重的水生态危机。水位是影响沉水植物生长最重要的生态因子之一。本文主要总结了富营养化水体中水位对沉水植物的研究进展,以及基于近年来囯内外沉水植物的恢复与重建的实践成果,分析水位调控恢复沉水植物的可行性,为沉水植物修复实践工程提供理论依据。
Abstract: Ripple effect brought by the eutrophication caused the massive recession and retrogressive suc-cession of the submerged vegetation community. Since submerged plant play a major role in the freshwater lake ecological system, the death of submerged plant will directly aggravate the dete-rioration of water environment and cause serious ecological crisis. The restoration of submerged macrophytes is the key to remediate eutrophic water and maintain the health of aquatic ecosystem, while water level is the main limiting factor. This paper mainly summarizes the research in the effect of water level on the submerged plant in the eutrophic waters, and analysis the feasibility of water level control to restore the submerged plant based on the result of the restoration and reconstruction of the submerged plant practice in recent years at home and abroad, and provides the theory basis for practice project of polluted water remediation by submerged macrophytes.
文章引用:魏华, 郝汉舟, 钟学斌. 富营养化水体中水位对沉水植物的影响研究进展[J]. 水产研究, 2016, 3(1): 1-9. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/OJFR.2016.31001


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