物联网 + Unity3D虚拟现实花卉养护远程智能监控系统
The Remote Intelligent Virtual Reality Monitoring and Control System for Flower Maintenance Using Internet of Things and Unity3D
DOI: 10.12677/CSA.2016.63015, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 3,363  浏览: 16,145  科研立项经费支持
作者: 陈麒宇:东北育才学校超常教育实验部,辽宁 沈阳 ;郭仁春, 张高健:沈阳化工大学信息工程学院,辽宁 沈阳
关键词: 花卉养护物联网虚拟现实Unity3DFlower Maintenance Internet of Things Virtual Reality Unity3D
摘要: 针对传统花卉养护手工操作工作效率低、可交互性差、缺乏远程监控能力以及人机交互界面缺乏视觉感染力问题,采用Arduino开源硬件平台,结合Unity3D引擎移动开发平台,设计和开发了一种物联网 + Unity3D可交互智能化虚拟现实花卉养护远程监控系统。该系统由基站服务端和远程站客户端组成,基站服务端使用土壤湿度和DHT温湿度传感器检测花卉土壤湿度和室内环境温度和湿度,控制器根据不同花卉土壤湿度设定值,在环境温度允许情况下,调节电磁阀,控制浇水量。远程站客户端实现虚拟漫游,实时信息显示、远程控制功能。基站服务端和远程站客户端通过无线路由器进行数据传输和交换。系统测试表明本系统能够通过三维交互式虚拟现实场景远程监控花卉生长,自动调整浇水量,提高了花卉养护的实用性和趣味性。
Abstract: Due to the manual and low efficiency, poor interactivity, lack of the remote control and visual appeal of the man-machine interface for the flower maintenance, we proposed a kind of interactive intelligent virtual reality monitoring and control system for flower maintenance based on internet of things and Unity3D. It was designed and developed by using the Arduino open source hardware platform and the Unity3D engine mobile development platform. The system consists of a base sta-tion server and a remote station client. Base station server uses the soil moisture and DHT tem-perature & humidity sensor to measure the soil humidity and the indoor environment temperature and humidity. Controller controls the irrigation amount through the regulation of electromagnetic valve according to the setpoint of soil humidity when the environment temperature is allowed. Remote station client is used to achieve virtual roaming, real-time monitoring, information display and remote control function. Data transmission and exchange between the base station server and the remote station client is realized through the wireless router. System tests show that the system can monitor the growth of flowers by the three-dimensional interactive virtual reality scene, automatically adjust the water quantity, and improve the practicality and interest of flower maintenance.
文章引用:陈麒宇, 龚鹏, 郭仁春, 张高健. 物联网 + Unity3D虚拟现实花卉养护远程智能监控系统[J]. 计算机科学与应用, 2016, 6(3): 119-125. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/CSA.2016.63015


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