Is Equity-Based Crowdfunding a Feast of the Public?
DOI: 10.12677/FIN.2016.61001, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,710  浏览: 7,069 
作者: 聂 婧*, 鞠荣华*:中国农业大学经济管理学院,北京
关键词: 股权众筹众筹模式风险投资者保护;Equity-Based Crowd Funding Crowdfunding Model Risk Investor Protection

股权众筹近年来在国内快速发展,但实质上是互联网 + 私募或半公募的性质。本文在探讨股权众筹模式面临的风险和问题的基础上,通过对国内外平台数据的统计分析,对股权众筹融资进行恰当的战略定位,认为初创企业本身具有高风险性,其股权众筹并不适合降低门槛向公众投资者融资,股权众筹一定程度能够缓解但难以解决初创企业融资难问题。

Equity-based crowdfunding develops rapidly in China, but it is still private or half public in nature. On the basis of the risks and problems that the equity-based crowdfunding is facing, the study tries to find an appropriate strategic positioning for equity-based crowdfunding through analyzing the data of crowdfunding platforms at home and abroad statistically. The study shows that equity-based crowdfunding is not suitable for a lower threshold and the public investors because start-ups usually have high risks. To solve the problem of financing, start-ups can’t rely solely on equity-based crowdfunding.

文章引用:聂婧, 鞠荣华. 股权众筹是全民盛宴吗?[J]. 金融, 2016, 6(1): 1-11. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/FIN.2016.61001


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