Large Molybdenum Deposit Explorationand Prospecting of Yuanlingzhai
DOI: 10.12677/AG.2015.56048, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,485  浏览: 6,044 
作者: 曾跃*, 李红源:江西省地质矿产勘查开发局赣南地质调查大队,江西 赣州
关键词: 找矿勘查钼矿大型园岭寨Prospecting Exploration Molybdenum Large Yuanlingzhai
摘要: 园岭寨钼矿床的勘查发现,是地质工作者坚持不懈、不断探索与总结,以及勘查方法、手段联合创新的结果。新发现钼矿床资源储量达大型,成为武夷山成矿带(西坡南段)探明最大的斑岩型钼矿床。文章简要介绍矿区地质背景、基础地质、矿床地质,回顾了十余年勘查找矿历程,揭示地质勘查找矿工作的艰辛,指出勘查方法、手段联合创新是新形势下地质工作的重要途经及方向。
Abstract: Exploration and discovery of Molybdenum deposit in Yuanlingzhai is the result of persistent and continuing exploring by geologist, with innovational exploration methods and technique, which has newly computed the reserve of Molybdenum resources in large scale, and becomes the biggest porphyry molybdenum deposit in South of western part of Wuyishan metallogenic belt. The paper will briefly introduce its geological background, basic geology and mineral features, and then will review the history of exploration for more than ten years, reveal the hardships of geological works, finally point out that the joint innovation of exploration methods and technique is the primary route and direction for future geological works under new situation.
文章引用:曾跃, 李红源. 园岭寨大型钼矿床的勘查与找矿[J]. 地球科学前沿, 2015, 5(6): 480-489. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AG.2015.56048


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