Current Situation of Sports Industry in China Table Tennis
DOI: 10.12677/APS.2015.34015, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,597  浏览: 7,661 
作者: 杨 皓, 李荣芝:上海体育学院,中国乒乓球学院,上海
关键词: 乒乓球体育产业现状Table Tennis Sports Industry Current Situation
摘要: 体育经济产业是我国经济产业组成部分中重要部分,在我国经济中占有重要位置。乒乓球作为国球和我国体育的重要组成部分,其产业发展态势是否健康与良好关乎我国体育经济产业的发展方向,本研究主要以我国乒乓球产业为调查对象,以产业现状、发展态势和制约因素为内容对我国乒乓球产业进行研究,根据发现问题提出解决措施,以便使乒乓球产业健康、良好、迅速的发展和为相关部门提供意见参考。
Abstract: Sports economy industry is an important part of China’s economic industry. It plays an important role in the economy of our country. Table tennis is an important part of Chinese sport and sports. Its industry development trend is related to the development of sports industry. This research mainly takes the industry situation, development trend and restricted factors to study the table tennis industry in our country, and proposes measures according to the existing problems, so as to develop table tennis industry healthily, well and quickly, and provide advices to relevant departments.
文章引用:杨皓, 李荣芝. 中国乒乓球运动的体育产业现状[J]. 体育科学进展, 2015, 3(4): 98-104.


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