The Influence of Pubertal Timing on Boys’ and Girls’ Depression and Peer Relationships
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2015.512101, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,443  浏览: 10,360 
作者: 欧亚萍:山东师范大学心理学院,山东 济南
关键词: 青春期开始时间抑郁同伴关系Pubertal Timing Depression Peer Relationships
摘要: 青春期是伴随着快速生理成熟的一段时期,包括荷尔蒙和身体的变化。青春期开始时间早晚会对青少年的心理产生一定的影响。本研究的目的是探讨青春期开始时间早晚对青少年早期抑郁和同伴关系的影响。研究采用整群抽样法,在山东省招远市和聊城市中学共选取了483名六年级和七年级的学生为被试,以自陈式青春期发育量表、儿童抑郁量表和同伴提名法为研究工具,对青春期开始时间早晚对青少年早期抑郁和同伴关系的影响进行了考察,结果发现:1) 青春期开始时间早晚能显著正向预测女生的抑郁水平,即女生的青春期开始时间越早,其抑郁水平越高;而青春期开始时间早晚与男生抑郁水平不相关。2) 青春期开始时间早晚与男女生的同伴关系均不相关。
Abstract: Adolescence is a period which is accompanied of physiological maturation including the change of hormonal level and the growth of physical. Pubertal timing has a critical effect on adolescent psy-chology. This research is aimed to explore the influence of pubertal timing on boys’ and girls’ de-pression and peer relationships respectively. According to cluster sampling principle, 483 (grade six and seven, 53.3% boys) participants were selected from the Zhaoyuan and Liaocheng of Shan-dong province. Pubertal Development Scale (PDS), Children’s Depression Inventory (CDI) and peer relationship were used to measure the related variables. Using descriptive statistics, correlation analysis and regression analysis, this research concludes the following results: 1) For girls, pubertal timing significantly predicts depressive symptoms positively, which means that the girls who are early timing are more likely to have higher level of depression; for boys, however, pubertal timing can not predict depression. 2) Both girls’ and boys’ peer relationships can not be predicted by pubertal timing.
文章引用:欧亚萍 (2015). 青春期开始时间早晚对青少年早期抑郁和同伴关系的影响. 心理学进展, 5(12), 779-787. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2015.512101


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