Analysis on Characteristics of the New Seamed Plastic Ball and Impacts of It in Both Techniques and Tactics
DOI: 10.12677/APS.2015.34012, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,237  浏览: 6,886 
作者: 陶源青青, 蔡晓波:东南大学体育系,江苏 南京
关键词: 新型有缝塑料球特点速度弧线旋转技、战术New Seamed Plastic Ball Characteristics Speed Arc Spin Techniques and Tactics
摘要: 主要采用实践调查法中的问卷调查法,并且通过对新型有缝塑料乒乓球与传统赛璐珞球的比较,探索新型有缝塑料球的特点,包括:气味、耐打性、速度、弧线、旋转等。根据不同打法的专业运动员的试打体验分析新型有缝塑料球对各种打法运动员在技、战术方面的影响。调查结果显示,参加调查的运动员对新材料球基本持肯定态度,愿意根据自己的打法特点积极适应新球,充分展现了我国乒乓球运动员勇于接受新事物、敢于面对挑战的崇高体育精神。
Abstract: By using the questionnaire method of practical survey method, compared with the traditional Celluloid ball, characteristics of the new seamed plastic ball are explored, including: smell, speed, beating resistance, arc, spin, etc. According to experiments of professional athletes using the new ball, this paper analyzes the impacts of it in both techniques and tactics for different ways. The results show that the athletes participating in surveys hold a positive attitude towards the new ball and are willing to adapt to it based on their own styles, fully demonstrating that Chinese ping- pong athletes have the courage to accept new things and face challenges at the same time.
文章引用:陶源青青, 蔡晓波. 探析新型有缝塑料乒乓球的特点以及对技、战术的影响[J]. 体育科学进展, 2015, 3(4): 77-84. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/APS.2015.34012