Mechanism of Insight Prototype Elicitation and Its Influencing Factors
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2015.512093, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,532  浏览: 7,652 
作者: 周娅菲, 陈 旭:西南大学心理学部,重庆
关键词: 顿悟原型启发理论影响因素Insight Prototype Elicitation Theory Influence Factors
摘要: 自顿悟的原型启发理论提出并得到验证后,研究发现了原型激活的自动化加工与关键启发信息提取的控制加工机制,以及顿悟的原型启发的脑机制。而针对影响顿悟的原型启发的因素的研究发现,睡眠、情绪和动机以及不同类型的“原型”材料都会影响个体的顿悟。而在前人研究的基础上,后续研究应将研究成果进一步应用到实践,以期找到提升个体顿悟能力的有效方法。
Abstract: Since prototype elicitation theory of insight has been proposed and verified, many studies found that prototype activation was automation processing, extraction of key heuristic information was controlled processing, and what the brain mechanism of insight prototype elicitation was. Many studies focused on influence factors of prototype elicitation found that sleep, mood and motivation as well as different types of “prototype” material would affect the individual’s insight. And on the basis of predecessors’ research, future research should be further applied to practice, hoping to find an effective approach to improve individual’s ability of insight.
文章引用:周娅菲, 陈旭 (2015). 顿悟的原型启发机制及其影响因素. 心理学进展, 5(12), 717-723. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2015.512093


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