The Relationship between Sex-Role and Social Adaption of College Students
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2015.44032, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,409  浏览: 5,411 
作者: 申 可, 陈 红*:西南大学心理学部,重庆
关键词: 大学生性别角色社会适应College Students Sex Role Social Adaption
摘要: 西方文化下,关于理想的性别角色类型主要存在三种观点:一致性模型、双性化模型、男性化模型。按照一致性模型,具有男性化特质的男性和具有女性化特质的女性是最为理想的;按照双性化模型,在男性化特质和女性化特质两个维度上得分都高的个体社会适应性最强而且心理最健康;按照男性化模型,男性化特质才是心理健康和社会适应的主要决定因素。本研究采用问卷法,从本地各所高校随机抽取188名被试,采用大学生性别角色量表(CSRI-50)和大学生适应性量表(CSAI)进行调查,探讨在中国大学生群体中上述三个模型在性别角色类型和社会适应的关系上的适用性。结果发现:男性化模型得到支持,男性化特质是社会适应的主要决定因素。
Abstract: In western culture, three theories regarding the utility of sex-roles have been proposed: the con-gruency model, the androgyny model, and the masculinity model. The congruency model posits that masculinity facilitates males’ mental health but not females’, while femininity facilitates females’ well-being but not males’. Androgyny model states that people with high levels of both masculinity and femininity enjoy the highest level of well-being independent of their gender. Masculinity model holds that masculinity is the dominant factor that promotes ones’ psychological well-being. This study used Students’ Sex Role Inventory (CSRI-50) and College Students Adaptability Scale (CSAI) to investigate, random sample of 188 subjects from local universities, to explore the applicability of three models in college students. The results showed that the masculinity model is most appropriate in explaining the relation of sex-role to social adaptation in college students.
文章引用:申可, 陈红. 大学生性别角色与社会适应的关系模型[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2015, 4(4): 218-224. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2015.44032


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