Study on the Recommendation System of Undergraduates to Master Graduates Studying in China
DOI: 10.12677/CES.2015.34023, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,108  浏览: 8,112  科研立项经费支持
作者: 刘 文, 温瑞欣, 何嘉梅, 常若松*:辽宁师范大学心理学院,辽宁 大连
关键词: 推免研究生起源与发展存在问题改进建议The Recommendation System Graduate Origin and Development Existing Problems Suggestions for Improvement
摘要: 本文阐述了我国研究生推免制度起源及发展,和在大学体制改革后,研究生推免工作出现的新问题和对问题的改进建议。我国研究生推免工作存在对普通高校的“歧视”;推免名额分配原则不合理、不统一;推免考核标准不合理等。根据上述问题,本文提出让每所学校都有“推外”的权利;综合考虑学科发展的现状和学校的综合实力,制定统一的推免名额分配方案;加大对推免生科研素养和实践素养的考核比重等建议及未来展望。
Abstract: This paper introduces the origin and development of the recommendation system of undergra-duates for a master’s graduate studying in China, the new problems and suggestions for the reform in the recommendation system. The recommendation system has some problems such as “discrimination” to ordinary university, the unreasonable and not unified quota allocation principle, and the unreasonable examination standards. According to the problems, this paper proposes some suggestions. The recommendation system should give every university the right of “recommend to another university”, synthetically take into account the current situation of the development of the discipline and the comprehensive strength of the university and make plans of unified quota allocation principle, and increase the proportion of assessment of undergraduates’ scientific literacy and practical quality.
文章引用:刘文, 温瑞欣, 何嘉梅, 常若松. 对我国研究生推免制度的思考[J]. 创新教育研究, 2015, 3(4): 134-138. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/CES.2015.34023