The Stress Theory and System Adjustment of New Chinese Medicine
DOI: 10.12677/HJBM.2015.54006, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,413  浏览: 9,094 
作者: 袁其伦:英国科学中医针灸有限公司,英国 伦敦
关键词: 中国新医药学应激理论系统调节生命力诺贝尔奖New Chinese Medicine Stress Theory The System Adjustment Vitality The Nobel Prize
摘要: 新世纪里生命科学的飞跃发展,使原以神经科学为主流的时代进步到了应激科学时代。其中中医药现代化的研究成果起到了推波助澜的作用,例如《袁氏新医药模式与临床》在2013年的出版就说明了此点。其中独树一帜的应激系统和系统性调节理论,不仅弥补了现代生理病理学之不足,而且对“现代神经–体液调节理论”、“现代人体平衡调节系统”和“生命力本质”等瓶颈问题有了破解。这也对阐明中西医学的科学本质,以及创建既高于中医又高于西医的中国新医药学模式,提供了坚实的科学基础。特别是具有先进理论和独到临床的第三医学模式的展示,可以说是世界两大主流医学有机结合的突破,关乎世界大同医学的终极前景,因此值得学术界的关注。
Abstract: It is an era in which life science is developing rapidly in the new century. The original mainstream of neuroscience could be replaced by the theory of irritability. The new research results of modernized TCM promote this process just as the author pointed out in his book Yuan’s New Medical Mode and Clinical Practice in 2013. In particular, the theory of irritability and systemic regulation not only remedied the previous defects of physiology and pathology but also resolved some difficulties in the “Bottleneck” such as “Modern Neural-humoral Regulation Theory”, “Modern Human Body Balance Adjustment System” and “The Quintessence of Life Force” etc. Yet, these could clarify the mode of New Chinese Medicine which would be better than either TCM or Western Medicine. Such third mode of medicine with advanced theory and clinical practice could make giant strides in the sector of integration of TCM and Western Medicine; this is worthy of academic attention.
文章引用:袁其伦. 中国新医药学的应激理论和系统调节[J]. 生物医学, 2015, 5(4): 43-49.


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