Design and Application of a Process-Visible Compiler
DOI: 10.12677/SEA.2015.45012, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,643  浏览: 8,735 
作者: 林涵菲, 陈希文, 梁雨霏, 琚小明:华东师范大学Sophia实验室,上海
关键词: 编译器过程可视化运行机理教学辅助Compiler Process-Visible Operation Mechanism Teaching-Assistant
摘要: 针对编译原理课程中算法种类繁多、算法难度大、学生基础层次不统一、理解能力不一致的现状,如何让学生学习和掌握编译课程的算法与编译运行机制是教学过程中急待解决的问题。本文设计开发了一套基于教学辅助的可视化编译器,该编译器实现了C语言子集的编译功能,并将编译过程中的关键算法原理和运行机理通过图、表等方式实时、动态地展示在界面上。该编译器作为教学辅助软件,有助于学生快速、高效、清晰地理解编译原理算法,提高学生对编译原理课程的理解和兴趣。
Abstract: The course of Compiling Principles has always been difficult for students to understand, for the related algorithms are quite abundant and complex, and not all students possess the ability to comprehend those algorithms easily. In order to facilitate the learning of compiling techniques, we have designed a special compiler which displays the whole process of compiling for observing, and it’s suitable to assist teaching work. Based on the subset of C grammar, this compiler can dynamically show the executing process of compiling algorithms and operation mechanism with abundant graphs and messages. As an assistant tool for teaching, not only does it contribute to the quick, efficient understanding of compiling principles, but it also adds some fun to the course.
文章引用:林涵菲, 陈希文, 梁雨霏, 琚小明. 过程可视化编译器的设计与应用[J]. 软件工程与应用, 2015, 4(5): 89-95. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/SEA.2015.45012


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