The Research of Several Problems in the Construction of Jiangxi Rural Scenic Forest
DOI: 10.12677/WJF.2015.44011, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,162  浏览: 5,505 
作者: 廖菲菲:江西省萍乡市开发区林业局,江西 萍乡 ;梁素萍:江西省萍乡市湘东区林业局,江西 萍乡;廖铅生:江西省萍乡市林业局,江西 萍乡;梁艳萍*:江西省萍乡市林业有害生物防治检疫局,江西 萍乡
关键词: 乡村风景林建设建议Rural Scenic Forest Construction Suggestions
摘要: 江西乡村风景林建设工作正在全面展开,同时凹显出一些问题,本文对这些问题及成因进行了分析,并提出江西乡村风景林建设的建议。
Abstract: Jiangxi rural scenic forest construction work is in full swing and shows some problems at the same time. In the paper, the problems and their causes are analyzed, and some suggestions are put forward for the development of Jiangxi rural scenic forest.
文章引用:廖菲菲, 梁素萍, 廖铅生, 梁艳萍. 对江西乡村风景林建设中几个问题的研究[J]. 林业世界, 2015, 4(4): 65-68. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/WJF.2015.44011