The Present Situation and the Countermeasure Studies of Social Endowment Service in Rural Jiangsu
DOI: 10.12677/AR.2015.23005, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 3,065  浏览: 8,303  科研立项经费支持
作者: 黄润龙:南京师范大学人口研究所,江苏 南京;史秀莲:南京钟山职业技术学院,江苏 南京
关键词: 老年人口社会养老服务对策研究江苏农村Elderly Population Social Pension Service Countermeasure Research Rural in Jiangsu
摘要: 老龄化是我国未来人口发展的主要趋势,而我国农村社会养老存在很多问题。本研究以江苏农村为例,在实地调查的基础上,分析了江苏农村社会养老现状和问题,提出了相应对策。本研究认为,对于老人健康需求最大,其次为日常生活需求;医养结合导致新问题应引起民政和卫计部门注意;农村民非社团少、养老护理员待遇低而工作不稳定,导致护理员严重缺乏。面对农村社会养老问题,首先应分摊责任,明确政府、社区、家庭的责任边界;其次,按照“小政府大社会”的管理理念,逐渐加大政府对于民办非企的资助力度,加大政府对于农村社会养老产品的购买力度;应结合城市化和工业化,积极转移农村老年人口。
Abstract: Aging is the major trend of the future development of China’s population. This study takes rural Jiangsu as an example. On the basis of field investigation, it analyzes Jiangsu rural social pension status and problems and proposes countermeasures. This study shows that for elderly the health needs are the largest and that daily needs of life are the second. The combination of medicine and health care leads to new problems which should be paid attention by the civil affairs and health care departments; less rural private non-enterprise pension institutions, low nursing care workers and unstable nursing staff work result in a serious shortage of nursing staff. Faced with the problem of rural social pension, first of all, the responsibility should be shared and the responsibilities of the government, community and family should be defined; secondly, according to the management philosophy of “small government, big society”, the government funding efforts for private non-enterprises should be increased gradually and the government products purchase strength for rural social pension products should be increased; finally, combining with urbanization and industrialization, the countryside elderly population should be transfered actively.
文章引用:黄润龙, 史秀莲. 江苏农村社会养老服务现状及对策研究[J]. 老龄化研究, 2015, 2(3): 31-37. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AR.2015.23005


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