Comprehensive Evaluation on the Investment Environment in the Western Region Based on Combinatorial Valuation Method
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2015.43020, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,371  浏览: 11,889 
作者: 谢玲玲*:云南财经大学统计与数学学院,云南 昆明
关键词: 投资环境组合评价法因子分析层次分析Investment Environment Combinatorial Valuation Method Factor Analysis Analytic Hierarchy Process
摘要: 一个地区投资环境的优良程度直接决定了其吸引外商投资的能力,而得到的外商投资越多,越能够促进地区经济发展。本文使用2013年西部地区各省、市、自治区30项指标数据,运用组合评价法对这十个地区进行综合评价。首先用因子分析得到四个初步模型,再组合层次分析对四个初步模型所赋予的权重,建立投资环境综合评价模型。利用模型计算地区综合得分,并对结果进行评价。
Abstract: The excellent degree of the investment environment of a region directly determines the ability to attract foreign investment, and the more foreign investment is attracted, there is a stronger possi-bility to promote the regional economic development. This article uses 30 indexes of the provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions in the western region of China in 2013, and makes a com-prehensive evaluation of these ten areas by using the combinatorial valuation method. Firstly, four primary models are obtained by factor analysis, then the four preliminary model weights given by analytic hierarchy process are analyzed, next, the comprehensive evaluation model of investment environment is established, finally, we calculate the comprehensive score by using the model, and evaluate the results.
文章引用:谢玲玲. 基于组合评价法的西部地区投资环境综合评价[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2015, 4(3): 132-141. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2015.43020


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