Four Contacts on Literary Translation in France, 1735-1770
DOI: 10.12677/WLS.2015.33011, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,621  浏览: 8,117 
作者: 朱倩兰:厦门大学,福建 厦门
关键词: 法语文学翻译狄德罗莱辛审美偏好市民文学French Literary Translation Diderot Lessing Aesthetic Preference Bourgeois Literature
摘要: 十八世纪,法国社会思潮涌动,时人思想借助翻译广传于国境之外;同时期外国文学法译之事也颇为活跃。本文将以数位法国启蒙哲人(伏尔泰、狄德罗、百科全书派学者)为线索,梳理十八世纪法国文学译介四事,以期管窥时代文学翻译理念与时人精神风貌。
Abstract: During the period of 1735-1770, the French Enlightenment thoughts, particularly in literary form, spread wildly in Europe; while English and German literature was translated into French and had their readers and audiences on the territory of France. By following several Enlightenment phi- losophers, also writers, translators or/and admirers of literature, such as Voltaire, Diderot and some other encyclopedists, the present thesis observed the situation of literary translation in France during the mid-18th century, collated literary translating predilections and pursued the Zeitgeist of the 18th century.
文章引用:朱倩兰. 十八世纪法国文学领域译事四题[J]. 世界文学研究, 2015, 3(3): 69-74. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/WLS.2015.33011


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