Electric Vehicles Subsidy Policy Advises Based on Game between the Government, Enterprises and Consumers
DOI: 10.12677/SSEM.2015.44B011, PDF, HTML,  被引量 下载: 3,380  浏览: 9,725  科研立项经费支持
作者: 马 红, 张媛媛:中国石油大学(北京),北京
关键词: 电动汽车补贴斯塔克伯格博弈分析节能减排效益Electric Vehicle Subsidies Analysis of Stackelberg Models Energy Saving and Emission Reduction Benefits


Abstract: China’s electric vehicles has gradually entered the industrialization stage of development, facing complex situations and difficulties, such as high price and low demand, especially the weak consumer purchase intention. All these have made that electric vehicle industry still unable to reach the scale of the industry quickly. Thus, in the initial stage of the development of electric vehicle industry, we need policy measures to support it and the most common one is implementation of financial subsidies. However, the present electric vehicle subsidies are too low and single, which seriously affects the efficiency of policy, and even the development strategy of China’s new energy vehicles. Based on the game theory, this paper has built a three-stage Stackelberg model, which contains government, automobile enterprises and consumers, and obtained the optimal amount of government subsidies for electric vehicle. Then, it introduces the energy efficiency formula for electric vehicles, trying to give reasonable advice to government on the electric car subsidy policy.
文章引用:马红, 张媛媛. 基于政府、企业和消费者博弈的电动汽车补贴政策建议[J]. 服务科学和管理, 2015, 4(4): 79-86. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/SSEM.2015.44B011


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