Individual Differences of a Sense of Humor and Humor Types
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2015.57055, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 3,084  浏览: 11,050 
作者: 丁玉连, 陆周琳, 孙 伟:苏州大学教育学院,江苏 苏州
关键词: 幽默感幽默类型个体差异A Sense of Humor Humor Types Individual Differences
摘要: 幽默感是在幽默概念的基础上扩展出来的。幽默类型是潜在的个体特质,产生对幽默感的乐观气质、理解能力、爱笑等方面的差异。个体差异主要包括人格特质和性别差异。幽默感较高的个体生活满意度、幸福感较高。积极的幽默类型的个体自尊、生活满意度,幸福感较高。而消极幽默类型则相反。幽默感与幽默类型均存在性别差异。加大对喜剧演员的定量研究、开展幽默类型的跨文化研究、探究幽默的情景与受众的关系、探究乐商与幽默感的关系是未来丰富幽默相关研究的趋势。
Abstract: A sense of humor is based on the extension of the humor concept. Humor types are potential indi-vidual traits, which have positive temperament of a sense of humor, understanding, love to laugh and other differences. Individual differences mainly include personality traits as well as gender difference. Individual differences mainly include personality traits as well as gender difference. The man who possesses a higher sense of humor will boast higher senses of living satisfaction and well-being. The senses of self-esteem, living satisfaction as well as well-being of the positive humor type are relatively higher, while the negative one is on the contrary. Gender difference plays a role in both the sense of humor and the humor type. The increase of quantitative research on comedians, the cross-cultural research on humor type as well as the exploration of the relationship between humorous scenario and the audience between senses of humor and humor types is the trends to enrich the related humor studies in the future.
文章引用:丁玉连, 陆周琳, 孙伟 (2015). 幽默感与幽默类型的个体差异. 心理学进展, 5(7), 423-429. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2015.57055


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