Study of Strategies between China and the US Based on the “New Silk Road”
DOI: 10.12677/WER.2015.42005, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,716  浏览: 8,461 
作者: 陈 健, 梁倩莹:北京师范大学珠海分校,广东 珠海;吴 楠:湖北工业大学管理学院,湖北 武汉
关键词: 新丝绸之路政治目的经济影响战略对比New Silk Road Political Purposes Economic Impact Strategic Contrast
摘要: 本文主要是通过对中美“新丝绸之路”的战略对比,了解两国“新丝绸之路”计划的实施成效性,分析两国该计划的影响以及中国的应对措施,最后探讨在此计划上两国的“新丝绸之路”计划的未来发展方向。
Abstract: This article mainly compares the Sino-US “New Silk Road” strategies to comprehend the efficiencies of the plan. Also, this article analyzes how this plan of the two countries affects the Sino-US relationship and the countermeasures of China. Finally, the authors discuss the development di-rection of the “New Silk Road” between China and the US in the future.
文章引用:陈健, 吴楠, 梁倩莹. 基于“新丝绸之路”视角的中美战略研究[J]. 世界经济探索, 2015, 4(2): 35-43. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/WER.2015.42005


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