The Detection and First Reports of Neospora Infections in Horses in around Hejing Town
DOI: 10.12677/ACRPVM.2015.43004, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,084  浏览: 6,649  科研立项经费支持
作者: 钟 华, 巴图孟开:和静镇兽医站,新疆 和静;达伊力特, 缺巴音才茨克:巴音布鲁克兽医站,新疆 巴音布鲁克;陈千林, 巴音查汗:新疆农业大学,新疆 乌鲁木齐
关键词: 新孢子虫全血DNAPCR检查Horses Neospora Blood DNA PCR Detection
摘要: 为了解和静镇周围农户散养马感染新孢子虫的情况,笔者应用PCR方法,对随机采集的56匹马全血样品进行了DNA提取、经PCR检测,诊断是否有阳性样品。实验结果:所提取的56份全血DNA中,新孢子虫的阳性率为8.93% (5/56);结合该马饲养环境分析、了解到被检马匹均与犬接触过,导致了新孢子虫的感染。该实验参数可为以后预防该镇散养马新孢子虫的感染及提高农户健康养殖意识等提供可靠的依据。
Abstract: In order to investigate the infections of Neospora in horses in around Hejing, DNA was extracted from 56 bloods of horses and they were amplificated using specific primer to diagnose and inspect the positive samples of Neospora. The result showed that the positive rates of Neospora were 8.93% (5/56). Combining the analysis rearing environment of horses, we found that horses and dogs were contacted and that they were infected with Neospora. The experimental parameters provide the town’s backyard horses of Neospora infection for future long-term studies and provide a reliable basis of healthy aquaculture awareness for farmers.
文章引用:钟华, 巴图孟开, 达伊力特, 缺巴音才茨克, 陈千林, 巴音查汗. 和静镇周围散养马感染新孢子虫的检查初报[J]. 亚洲兽医病例研究, 2015, 4(3): 21-25. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ACRPVM.2015.43004


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