Status Quo and Countermeasures of Development of Rural Mutual Cooperative Organizations in China
DOI: 10.12677/FIN.2015.53006, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 2,652  浏览: 7,752  科研立项经费支持
作者: 鞠荣华:中国农业大学经济管理学院,北京;刘芸利:河南省银监局,河南 郑州
关键词: 农村资金互助组织发展现状问题对策Rural Mutual Fund Organization Status Quo of Development Problem Countermeasure
摘要: 本文在对4个省、自治区和直辖市包括7家正规和7家非正规的农村资金互助组织进行调研访谈的基础上,从治理机制与风险控制、基本业务规则、经营状况和社会认可度几个方面描述了我国农村资金互助组织发展的现状,认为农村资金互助组织具有志愿服务、社区基础、无需抵押和资金封闭运行等优势,但也存在内部治理不完善、缺乏外部监管、名称被滥用、不能接入央行系统等问题,最后,本文提出了完善法律法规、明确监管主体、借助行业协会力量进行监管的对策建议。
Abstract: On the basis of field interview and questionnaire investigation on 14 sample rural mutual cooper-ative organizations in 4 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities in China, among which 7 are formal approved by China Banking Regulatory Commission and the other 7 are informal. This paper describes the status quo from perspectives of governance and internal control, business rules, operation results and social cognition, proposes the advantages of these organizations such as volunteer service, community basis, no need of mortgage and closed funds operation, and points out the problems of these organizations such as incomplete internal governance, lack of external supervision, name abuse and no connection with central bank system. Finally, the paper makes some suggestions such as improving law and regulations, clarifying regulatory body and drawing support from mutual cooperative association.
文章引用:鞠荣华, 刘芸利. 中国农村资金互助组织发展的现状及对策[J]. 金融, 2015, 5(3): 39-46.


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