Facial Emotion Identify and Label Ability in Preschool Children
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2015.56053, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,411  浏览: 6,726  科研立项经费支持
作者: 李 航, 谭钧文, 叶萍恺, 蔡小燕:丽水学院教师教育学院,浙江 丽水
关键词: 表情识别表情指认表情标签学前儿童Facial Emotion Recognition Identifying Task Labeling Task Preschool Children
摘要: 观察面部表情是用来判断一个人的情绪是最直观的方法。本次研究选取了48张面部表情图标,以学前儿童为被试,调查学前儿童的表情识别与标签的能力。在浙江省L市随机选取一所幼儿园,分别选取小、中、大班年段的幼儿各30名,一共90人,进行单独的表情识别和标签测试。基于数据分析得出以下结论:1) 学前儿童表情识别与标签能力发展最好的是高兴,其次是悲伤和愤怒,再次是惊讶、恐惧、厌恶。2) 女童在对儿童的面部表情图片进行标签任务时的表现显著优于男童(p < 0.05);3) 小班到大班阶段,学前儿童的表情识别与标签能力发展迅速,在表情识别的任务中大班的表现要优于小班的表现,并且差异十分显著(p < 0.001);4) 学前儿童在识别表情的任务表现中,白种人与中国人图片之间不存在显著差异,在标签任务与指认任务之间不存在显著差异。
Abstract: The most intuitive approach to determine a person’s mood is observing the facial expression. This research investigated the ability to identify and label human facial emotions on preschool children. 90 preschool children were recruited from one kindergarten in L city in Zhejiang Province, 30 in junior class, 30 in middle and 30 in senior class. In this study, 48 facial expression images were selected as stimuli. The study results indicated: 1) the preschool children have perfect performance on identify and label happiness expression, followed by facial expression on sadness and anger, surprise, fear, disgust; 2) compared with boys, girls are performed significantly better than boys on label task (p < 0.05); 3) preschool children has rapid development on facial expression recognition and label, in all four facial expression recognition task, senior class performed better than junior class, and the difference is very significant (p < 0.001); 4) there is no significant difference between Caucasian and Chinese picture, and there is no significant differences between identifying task and labeling task in the performance on preschool children.
文章引用:李航, 谭钧文, 叶萍恺, 蔡小燕 (2015). 学前儿童面部表情标签与指认能力现状调查. 心理学进展, 5(6), 409-414. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2015.56053


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