Para-Social Interaction and Science Communication—Under the Analysis of Sina Microblog @Yutu
DOI: 10.12677/JC.2015.32006, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 3,084  浏览: 8,329 
作者: 凤 仙:安徽大学新闻传播学院,安徽 合肥
关键词: 科学传播拟社会互动新浪微博月球车玉兔Science Communication Parasocial Interaction Sina Mircoblog Yutu
摘要: 航天技术作为一个远离大众生活的话题,很难引起大众关注。但是“月球车玉兔”微博成功吸引了微博用户的注意力,让普通民众对于科学知识有了兴趣。本文对“月球车玉兔”发布的微博、与粉丝互动的文本进行内容分析,根据拟社会互动中对于媒介角色进行分析,将其科学传播的手段分解为以下三个方面。首先,作为月球车的玉兔实际上是一个虚拟的角色,它对于自己形象的塑造是引发“拟社会互动”前提;其次,它基于微博平台与微博用户进行的互动是维系受众关注的关键;最后,运用拟人话的语言、强情感性的表述拉近了受众与科技知识间的距离。
Abstract: Science and technology are playing an important role in today’s society, which leads to a develop-ment of science communication. However, science communication is in an embarrassing dilemma. On the one hand, the obscure content of science communication is hard to be understood. On the other hand, there is a fierce competition on limited attentional resources of the public. Thus, this paper is trying to provide some practical references by analyzing how microblog Yutu got a hot response from the public.
文章引用:凤仙. 拟社会互动与科学传播—以新浪微博“@月球车玉兔”为例[J]. 新闻传播科学, 2015, 3(2): 30-38. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/JC.2015.32006


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