Perceived Intention to Harm In-Group as Mediator of the Relation between Nationalism and Emotion
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2015.55043, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,736  浏览: 11,094 
作者: 黄丽华, 宫岛健:九州大学人间环境学府,日本 福冈 ;绳田健悟:九州大学决断科学大学院,日本 福冈 ;山口裕幸:九州大学人间环境学府研究院,日本 福冈
关键词: 国家主义愤怒恐惧对内危害意图的认知群际冲突Nationalism Anger Fear Perceived Intention to Harm In-Group Inter-Group Conflicts
摘要: 本研究以中国人(N = 201)和日本人(N = 256)为调查对象,测试了对内危害意图的认知在国家主义与群际情绪关系中的中介作用。首先,两个样本的结果显示国家主义以对内危害意图的认知为中介引发了愤怒。其次,在日本人的样本中,国家主义则以对内危害意图的认知为中介引发恐惧,但是在中国人的样本中没有看到这一结果。本研究的结果所包含的含义将在文中被探讨。
Abstract: This study used Chinese samples (N = 201) and Japanese (N = 256) to test the mediated effect of perceived intention to harm in-group on relationship between nationalism and intergroup emotion. First, results indicated that nationalism predicted anger via perceived intention to harm in- group. Second, the results showed that nationalism predicted fear via intention to harm in-group in Japanese sample but not Chinese samples. The implications of the results are discussed.
文章引用:黄丽华, 绳田健悟, 宫岛健, 山口裕幸. 国家主义与情绪关系中对内危害意图的认知的中介作用[J]. 心理学进展, 2015, 5(5): 314-322. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2015.55043


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